
Innovative plant varieties
Clean starter cultivars

InnovaPlant laboratory

What we are doing

InnovaPlant - as part of the Kientzler-goup - is responsible for breeding, product development and the preparation of clean starter cultivars for the mother stock facilities within the Kientzler-organisation as well as partners and licensees from around the world.

InnovaPlant starter cultivars

For the production of clean elite-cuttings InnovaPlant runs a 3.000m², insect-proof, up-to-date greenhouse in Gensingen, Germany.


InnovaPlant ELISA


InnovaPlant laboratory


InnovaPlant runs two tissue culture laboratories for the initiation and preparation of pathogen-free starter cultivars, bringing in over 30 years of experience in the horticultural industry. On an area of 600m² of laboratory space, 18 qualified employees work on biotechnological operations on more than 7.000 plant varieties.


Many varieties from InnovaPlant count among the top-performers of their kind within the horticultural industry. Some highlights from last years breeding results are:
  • Calibrachoa UNIQUE
  • Cleome 'Señorita Rosalita'
  • Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'
  • Impatiens PARADISE
  • Nemesia FAIRY KISSES
  • Nemesia SUNSATIA
  • Verbena VEPITA

InnovaPlant Sorten


What can we do for you?

InnovaPlant elite plants


Our services for clean elite plants:

in vitro-initiation
in vitro-maintenance
virus testing
virus elimination
true-to-type test
distribution of starter cultivars

Our services for your breeding work

embryo rescue
work on ploidy-levels (on request)
mutation breeding (on request)
secure greenhouse trials (on request)
secure outdoor trials (on request)

InnovaPlant trials

We look forward to your request:


Address office / product development :
Binger Straße 31
55457 Gensingen


Address laboratory :
Außerhalb 25
55457 Gensingen